One of the features of WinPtr is that it can print the screen via hotkey even when a modal dialog box (like an error message) has focus control...because it uses a system-level keyboard hook. We use a slimmer version (find on CIS-winshare and AOL-search on poellinger) to have our users print Oracle error messages from Powerbuilder apps...showing the SQL statement causing the error. I've found a trick worth passing on...I used PRTSC to send the menu's in WinPtr's help file to the clipboard, then pasted them in WinGif and clipped the part I wanted. BUT...for a new app ( for Powerbuilder users, when I wanted to send the screen image to the clipboard, it showed a modal dialog box...and PRTSC won't do it when that dialog box has control. I solved it by using WinPtr...hit {CTRL}{SHIFT}{I} to bring up WinPtr's main menu (which works even with a modal dialog box in control, as I said), then drilled to the menu entry to send the screen to the clipboard and it worked!.